Originally invented in 1994 as "Carlos' Coloring Book", Coloring.com began as a novelty for dynamic graphics on the Web. Being one of the earliest sites on the Web to showcase this functionality, it received a lot of press and a lot of inbound links. As such, Coloring.com has been the #1 result on Google ever since Google has existed. Visit the site.
Over 60,000 pictures are colored a day on Coloring.com, by 250,000 unique visitors per month. Average time on the site is over 7 minutes, as measured by Google Analytics.
Available ad units are:
- Wide Skyscraper (160x600)
- On the Choose a Picture page and various theme pages. These are the most popular pages on the site.
- Leaderboard (728x90)
- On the coloring page for a picture. Since one impression is served for the entire coloring session, this translates to high visibility for the ad and a healthy clickthrough rate.
- Medium Rectangle (300x250)
- On the finished coloring page. When people finish coloring a picture, they have a choice of where to go next. The ads on this page receive the highest clickthrough rate of all (between 2% and 3%!)
The cost per thousand impressions (CPM) is $5, and the minimum purchase is 10,000 impressions. The campaign can be scheduled for any length of time. Once creative is approved, ads can begin rotation the next day.
You will receive an invoice at the start of the campaign, and payment must be made in full before the campaign is halfway finished. Subsequent campaigns can have Net 15 terms. Forms of payment accepted are PayPal and personal or business check. Email us for more information.
We realize that some parents are uncomfortable with their children using Web sites that show advertisements. In response, we are creating a subscription program where parents can become a paying member of the site. The benefits are eliminating the advertising that appears on the site, as well as gaining early access to pictures that only members can color. In the future, we will add other benefits like special crayon colors and patterns that only members can collect and color with.
This program will have the low and reasonable price of $9 for 6 months. And, the subscription covers any number of kids in your household, so you only have to subscribe once to give the benefits to all of your children! We expect to launch the program in late 2009.
8 Forestway Drive, Deerfield, IL 60015-4806
info@ravenna.com - 312-380-5003